How To Solve Children’s Behavior Problems

How to solve children's behavior problems

Behavior problems in children can create quite serious conflicts in the home, especially when parents cannot manage them or cannot do it for any reason (fatigue, stress, anxiety, etc.). Children enter a spiral of bad behavior and, without realizing it, a terrible war begins in the family. The constant protests of children can bring out the worst in parents, can make them scream and stop them thinking.

But parents need to be clear about one thing: children won’t change their bad habits overnight. Constant work is required to achieve this and it is above all necessary that parents have a lot of patience and set the best example in order to be able to shape their behavior. How to solve these problems?

Don’t enter a power war

It is necessary not to enter into power struggles with children: regardless of what happens, you must know how to choose the battles, because in some it is not necessary to enter. Sometimes it is not necessary to start a discussion with your children : so they will have to deal with frustration or anger, but the important thing is to distinguish their behaviors in order to be able to manage them.

In order not to enter into a useless power struggle, the best thing to do is to forget about the screams, to avoid scenes… You have to give your child the opportunity to take part in the decisions, with some alternatives that you will present, without further discussion. Thus he will have the possibility to choose and feel control over his own decisions, but in reality it is you who will choose the best alternatives.

Bad behavior in children can be difficult to correct

Don’t react to behavior problems, but don’t ignore them

The most important thing to do before reacting is to determine what is wrong. Many parents mistakenly respond to bad behavior (often exaggeratedly) without knowing why it occurred.

If the behavior is aimed at getting attention, it’s best not to react, but don’t ignore it completely, because ignoring it means allowing it. You must film the children so that they know what you expect from them and how they should behave.

When they misbehave, they draw parental attention in a negative way – this strengthens them and they can do it again just to get parental attention. In this sense, parents should pay attention to children when they improve their behavior, and not react when they behave badly.

Be positive

Having a positive attitude in life is essential for transmitting good energy to children. Sometimes they will have inevitable tantrums and surely there will be fights between siblings … but getting into a spiral of negativity will only create more problems in the house.

Maintain a positive attitude in the face of any conflict to transmit good energies to the little ones. If necessary, an idea can be to leave the room for a few seconds, take a deep breath and count to 10, to calm your nerves and deal with the problem again.

Don’t label your children’s behavior

Never label your children using phrases like “you are bad”, “how heavy you are”, or any negative connotation. This will just be a prophecy come true, because if you label your child, he will think he really is and behave according to how you think he is.

Positive behavior must be valued by parents.

If you want to label your child in some way and avoid behavior problems, make sure you do it in a positive way  when they behave well. So you will reinforce it in a positive way: “I like it when you behave like this, you are so good”, “I am proud of you, you are very kind”, “Thank you for passing me the towel, you are really thoughtful” are some useful examples.

Be flexible and aware

At the same time, it is necessary to know why these behavior problems exist and to research their basis. Sometimes it can be emotional problems that he doesn’t know how to express otherwise. You will also need to make sure you are not too rigid and create positive discipline with flexible rules depending on the circumstances.

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