How To Teach Your Children To Be Tidy At Home

Teaching your children to be orderly may not be easy at all.
How to teach your children to be tidy at home

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to stay calm when the house is in chaos, but with the following tips you will be able to teach your children to be tidy. Parents want to teach their children to be orderly from an early age, but to be successful there are tricks to succeed.

Inculcate the discipline of order in your children, and in no time they will put it into practice in everyday life. Explain to them that  being tidy at home is essential to their development,  as it will help them deal with the world they are beginning to discover.

Any time is good to teach them to be orderly, and the sooner they start the better,  because all the knowledge they will acquire every day will transform into qualities and attitudes that will form them as better people.

Order is key in life, such as nutrition, sleep, and personal hygiene. It is a necessary element for learning and, in addition to creating good habits, it will ensure safety in growth.

Your attitude and example are essential

child bedroom

Set an example for your children on how to be tidy around the house, instilling them with the idea that they can’t keep everything in disorder. Chaos always causes nervousness and makes it difficult to find objects, while order transmits calm, promotes concentration and helps to think and act peacefully.

You can start by showing him how to arrange his toys, how to place storybooks in the bookcase, not to leave shoes scattered around the house,  to hang clothes, and many other simple chores that will make your children grow in order.

Consider that not all days of the week are the same when you have to set daily schedules for dinner, lunch, sleep, hygiene and play. Do it flexibly and avoid drastic changes, otherwise you will only disorient them.

Advice for your children to be tidy at home

  • Avoid taking an attitude of constant complaining about the disorder,  criticism never helps, in most cases children do not tidy up because they cannot.
  • Don’t even take the opposite attitude of being too protective,  assuming that being too small they can’t tidy up and doing it all the time.
  • Up to 7-8 years old  you have to give them a hand after they finish playing,  but that doesn’t mean they watch you tidy up, but do it together. It is normal for a child to mess everything up when he plays, but he needs to feel free during leisure.
  • Reviewing toys with your child and encouraging them to give other children the ones they no longer use, as well as avoiding hoarding them, will give them a positive teaching on the value of charity.

Both as children and adolescents this habit must be adopted naturally, housework must be considered as a form of respect,  so that it includes the commitment to manage a home and a family as well as learning to collaborate.

Everything in its place

Keeping a house tidy is not easy, especially when you have small children, but keeping clean and tidy is not only important for aesthetic reasons, but also to avoid illness  and to reduce stress levels in the family.

The habit of being orderly builds day by day, so encourage your children to always leave things in a specific place so they don’t waste time looking for them.

When your child succeeds, it is very important to reward his effort, but never use phrases like: “well, this time you did it” or “it was time you did it!”  This way you will get the opposite effect.

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