I Am Godfather Of Baptism!

I am godfather of baptism!

People often fail to recognize the true value of the commitment that being a godfather requires. This role involves acting as a friend, role model, and confidant for their godchildren, as well as a special counselor for their parents.

One of the greatest expectations of close friends or family members of new parents is to be godfather at baptism.  It is one of the joys in life that only loved ones are privileged to enjoy.

In many cases, from the moment a couple learns they are about to have a baby, the search for godparents begins.  Generally, the choice of the godfather is entrusted to the father, while that of the godmother to the mother.

Parents are responsible for this decision.  They have to choose well who will be that person who will help them introduce their baby into the Christian life.

Furthermore, it is said that the godfather and godmother are the ones who will take the place of the parents in the event that they fail. This important appointment has an indefinite duration. As a result, finding the right people is often difficult.

What is the function of the godfather of baptism?

The godfather is usually the person who will take care of the baby in the event that his parents pass away. In some unfortunate cases, this is the case.

However, the reality goes far beyond this fact. The godfather of baptism is the one who has the duty to watch over the Catholic education of his godson.  It is he who must lead him along the path of good, setting a good example.

Also, the godfather must be the one who has the desire to be part of the baby’s life. It must help him reach his goals, celebrate his goals and accompany his parents in the decisive moments.

The godfather does not always need to be a family member, because this person will still be part of the family, in the same way. He must be a person with strong ideas, responsible for his actions and interested in  starting the child towards a Christian life.

Therefore, godparents, together with parents, must support the education of their godchildren and contribute effectively to their whole life development.

The godfather of baptism is the one who has the duty to watch over the Catholic education of his godson

Since such a responsibility rests on his shoulders, it is important that the godfather is not afraid. He must have confidence and feel confident in the role he is about to play. In this way, he will be able to do it in the best possible way and accompany his godson along the right path.

The Church recommends that godparents  set a good example: live as good Christians and go to Mass regularly. They should also remind their godchildren of daily prayer and give them religious gifts, such as a Bible or a rosary.

Requirements to be godfather of baptism

The Catholic Church requires,  as a first requirement, that the person chosen to act as godfather be over eighteen years old. This will ensure that he has sufficient maturity to perform this function. However, some exceptions did occur.

Likewise, he must be Catholic, have received First Communion, have accomplished Confirmation and lead a life of faith. It would be very difficult to teach a child a path that the godfather himself does not know.

Parents are not allowed to baptize their children; even less, than a person who has suffered a canonical punishment. He must be a believer and not belong to any sect or to another religious confession.

There is an exception according to which the parish priest can allow the godfather to be the elder brother of the baptized, even if he is less than fifteen years old. He must have received his First Communion or are preparing to receive it.

Often this circumstance is favorable, because the two live together under the same roof and share many aspects of their lives. When the time comes for the child’s Confirmation, the godparents can remain the same or be changed.

The godfather must be part of the family and be involved in the upbringing of the godson

Strategies for godparents

There are some strategies or activities that can  help the godfather fulfill his role satisfactorily.

First,  good traditions can be established, such as giving prizes to the baptized for some good grades at school, going out for lunch on his birthday, or going for a walk in the park.

Also, for the baptism, the godfather could write a letter to his godson confirming his unconditional support for both him and his father. Through this letter, moreover, he must accept this honorable responsibility, and welcome it with open arms.

The visits of the godfather should, in general, focus on the figure of the godson. The latter, in turn, must feel important and supported not only in purely material matters, but also in personal ones.

The really important thing, however, is to carry out this difficult task with the will to give your best, loving and supporting the godson in all his moments, good or bad. The godfather must be part of the family and be involved in the upbringing of the godson.

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