Motherhood With The Second Child: Why Is It So Different?

Motherhood with the second child: why is it so different?

After your first pregnancy, you find yourself in the same situation again, but with one big difference: you are no longer a beginner. Motherhood with the second child will be completely different from the first. Here’s to what extent.

When we become mothers for the first time, we live in a world parallel to the reality of motherhood. We idealize everything and put our child in a glass jar. We pretend to be perfect mothers. Fortunately, however, there comes a time when reality makes us go back down to earth.

It is then that, when the second child arrives, the pursuit of perfection no longer matters, and we realize how different it is to have one child from having two.

Experience is the basis of motherhood with the second child

Experience is a qualification and, in this field, it is worth even more. With your first child, you have already gone through trial and error, and you know what you want. More importantly, you also know what you don’t want, because you have already learned from your mistakes. Nonetheless, this child is another person, and what worked with the first child probably won’t work for the second. Still, you have already come a long way.

The visits, the personal space and that of the couple, the basic needs and the structuring of family values ​​are aspects on which you already have a fairly clear idea.

You turn into practical moms

If you can take advantage of your first child’s clothes, that’s a nice saving. Your baby will be well protected and sheltered with his brother’s clothes. It’s absurd to go back to spending money on clothes you already have. That money you save will be very convenient for you, because now there are two children, and the expenses have also doubled. Motherhood with the second child definitely makes us more practical mothers.

Plus, you are a true expert at optimizing time. You are now able to supervise the two children at the same time as they do anything. You know how to bathe them together or feed them in a time that was not enough before even to feed just one.

How will your child cope with the arrival of a little brother

Jealousy of the first can accompany motherhood with the second child

The first child, accustomed to being the only recipient of parental affection and attention, can feel left behind when a brother appears with whom he must share his whole world. In most children, the arrival of a baby brother causes jealousy.

It is important to make the older sibling participate in the activities that the arrival of a baby entails,  before the time of delivery arrives, and to give him adequate importance.

We need to value our children in front of family members and visitors, trying to avoid negative comments and, above all, comparisons. Never make comparisons between your children, especially in front of someone else.

We must take into account that, up to the age of six, the child is characterized by his egotism. He feels at the center of the universe. For this reason he constantly repeats “This is mine”. A brother forces him to share, even what is most important to him: the attention of his parents. We need to give him some time to adjust to the new situation.

Fortunately, childhood jealousy usually evolves positively over a shorter or longer period of time. This is a typical emotional state of childhood. In every family, children go through a period of jealousy that is shorter or longer: there is nothing else to do but wait for it to pass.

The first child takes care of the second and teaches him everything he knows

Time passes much faster with your second child

It sounds silly, but it’s not: your second child is much more attentive to the world and learns faster. This is because he has a great teacher: your first child. The stages are passed much faster, because you are watching both of them at the same time and, before you know it, the second is already crawling or running down the corridor.

For this reason, now more than ever, enjoy them both! Because your little one will soon be your older child’s best companion.

Do not forget, then, that one of the most wonderful things that motherhood with the second child is bringing you is the experience, which allows you to be more relaxed and enjoy every moment to the fullest, without having to focus so much on worries. .

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