Mothers In Conflict: Here Are 4 Examples

Conflicting mothers: here are 4 examples

What kind of mothers are you? Today we are talking about a topic that can raise questions but is still very concrete: conflicting mothers. Are you one of them? Do you know how to identify them? What to do when dealing with one of them? What if you were one of them?

Conflicting mothers can be of different types and can be encountered everywhere. Read on to learn how to recognize them and know how to deal with them.

Conflicting mothers: the hyper-competitive mom

Of course, as a mother, you want to teach your baby the best habits, and do it in the most appropriate way possible. There is nothing wrong with this and why, hats off. The first type of conflicted mom takes this concept to the extreme and you will recognize it by the fact that she will want the child to do everything better than the others, before the others and even ahead of time.

The best way to deal with this type of mom is to avoid falling into her trap. Just take the constructive note of his comments and make sure the child knows he is doing well. If a negative comment is made to him that hurts him, be sure to mention the positive things as well.

Avoid falling into question because equally he will not accept opinions different from his own and you will only waste time.

Conflicting moms: the self-proclaimed expert

conflicting moms

She gives opinions that no one has asked her, tells you that you are wrong to do certain things and explains why, only she knows how to do things right. The second type of confrontational mom is the self-proclaimed expert. Normally this woman has more than one child and therefore more experience as a mother.

At some point his advice can help you and you will be able to accept it with joy. But no matter what you do, you will always do it badly in his eyes.

The best way to endure it is to listen to it and then give it your opinion. Initially he will argue but later he will give up. Better still if when you give your opinion you are supported by the advice of the pediatrician, or other specialist, so that he has no field to argue.

Conflicting Mothers: The Bad Influence

It took time to teach your daughter that while an affair is going on, the television turns off. One day she asks you if she can stay and sleep with a friend. She later tells you that her friend is allowed to eat candy all day and can watch television while doing her homework.

After a little analysis, you learn that the mother of this child is very liberal with the education of her children because she practically lets them do whatever they want. This is the conflicting mom of the third kind: the bad influence.

In this case you have two options: talk to the mother and explain the rules that your daughter must respect or limit the contact between the two. If after asking her to make your daughter follow your rules when she is with her, she continues with her method, then it is best to limit their proximity.

Obviously without judging his methods or his family.

Conflicting mothers: the passive

conflicting moms

The last type of confrontational mom is quite passive. While the hyper-competitive mom only wants to get the best, the passive mom does nothing to improve. You will recognize her because she is the type who lets her children do what they want.

If in the park they see that their child is beating another child, they will not do or say anything. It is not strange that his children are unruly and rude. This mother claims to be the best friend of her children and therefore tends to avoid any emotional conflict with them.

His intentions are the best but his method is not. Sometimes it can be a very insecure person who does not know how to act in the face of complicated situations.

The best strategy with her is to talk directly about her lack of control and the problems caused by her passivity. Most of the time this type of women takes comments positively and who knows if they don’t ask you for help in changing.

Do you recognize yourself in one type of these conflicting moms?

These four types of conflicting moms represent the extreme of what is healthy motherhood. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you are following one of these patterns.

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