Mothers Must Take Care Of Themselves

We are often influenced by an idea of ​​motherhood entirely centered on sacrifice. But to feel good and make their children feel good, mothers have to take care of themselves. Otherwise they will be exhausted and unhappy.
Mothers have to take care of themselves

As a mother, you will surely know that you need to take care of yourself to be well. However, it is often very difficult. As a person, woman or mother you deserve love, care and attention. Between work and motherhood you have so many things to do during the day that the time you have available for yourself is really limited. Who has time to devote to herself when she spends all day taking care of others?

When you think back to your day in the evening, you realize that you have done nothing for yourself to feel good about yourself. These thoughts can cause discomfort and frustration. To feel good emotionally, you need to take some time for yourself to understand what you need and find the time to enjoy it.

Find what you want and take care of yourself

motherhood and self-care

You may wish for things that were part of your life before you became a mother and that now seem so far away. Maybe you were fit before because you had more time to take care of your body. You had a flat stomach, toned arms, and time to go to work out five days a week. All this seems like a luxury that you cannot afford today.

Before you were a mother, you could have spent more time making yourself beautiful. You enjoyed painting your nails, taking care of your hairstyle and wearing clothes that made your body stand out. You wore nice shoes that made you feel comfortable, but which at the same time made you look slim. You looked in the mirror and you felt beautiful. Can you say the same things today?

You probably also had time to dedicate to your emotional well-being: walks, meditation, going out with family and friends … Now, tiredness prevents you from living these aspects of life, but you realize that you need some changes to avoid to get sick. If you are not well emotionally, it will be difficult to be physically.

Think about the lifestyle you want

mother takes care of herself with her daughter

If your life is characterized by an endless list of things to do, it is good that you review your lifestyle my friends. You have to try to change it. If you take all your time to complete your daily commitments, the day will pass quickly and you will have no time to dedicate to yourself. Yes, it’s true, women can do multiple tasks at the same time, but you don’t have to be busy all the time. Try to find a moment to “disconnect”, a moment to dedicate only to yourself.

It seems that women are more affected by adrenal fatigue (adrenal insufficiency). This is because they are taught to live sacrifice as a virtue. But is not so. Excessive fatigue can compromise your physical and emotional health. Think about your lifestyle and find, however short it may be, some time to dedicate to yourself. You have no excuses!

This does not mean that you are neglecting your family, quite the opposite. When you take time for yourself, you are taking care of the people who live by your side. If you are well, you can transmit love and attention to your children and your partner. They need you to be happy and to be happy you have to find some time for yourself.

Put aside the society-imposed clichés that say that if you take time for yourself, you are taking it away from your family or your daily chores. Analyze your lifestyle and find solutions that can allow you to feel good. Do you need to play sports? Find ways to do this, even at home if necessary. For example, you can work out for twenty minutes in the morning.

Do you need to take care of your emotional well-being? Sign up for a meditation class or meditate at home. The options are many and you decide which ones are best suited to your needs.

Cover image courtesy of domain pictures

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