Mothers Who Take Care Of Their Children Are Also Working Women

The women who have chosen to stay at home to dedicate themselves body and soul to their children, well, they too are working women.
The mothers who take care of their children are also working women

Nowadays there is a dangerous tendency to judge housewives. These women who dedicate themselves body and soul to the home and to their children, well, they too are working women. Just like the women that the feast of March 8 remembers.

Unfortunately this party was born from a very tragic event. On March 8, 1911, a large group of working women died in a fire that developed in a textile factory. The only thing these women fought for was equality, indeed, the recognition of their rights. 

Their goal was to achieve better working conditions, regardless of their gender and condition.  Today, their participation is remembered on this date as a historical symbol of feminism.

Well, is it safe to think that mothers who dedicate their lives to the home are not  worthy of celebrating this day? Absolutely not.  Those who have made this decision in their life deserve the same recognition as those who have preferred a career, discarding or reconciling motherhood with it. Taking care of a home and a family  is also a difficult task, which is unpaid and never ends. Women who are not in paid employment are also  working women.

Housewives are women who take care of their children and who do not pay contributions or receive a salary.  They do not receive tips or have paid holidays. For many people, they don’t even matter. However, without them, we wouldn’t be here. They are some of our mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts and friends. And they all deserve the same respect.

No, staying at home is not a mitigating factor.  These women don’t even experience some sort of a bit more strenuous vacation. It is an idea that society must learn to assimilate, because mothers who take care of children are also important women.

Women working at home

Days pass by giving the soul without receiving anything in return. Selflessly, just for love. They can spend a whole day simply picking up toys or cleaning furniture. Other times, they are multitasking and don’t stop for a moment.   They always run, among baby food, clothes, disorder and children. 

They can go days and weeks without interacting with an adult other than their husband. Being a full-time mother can be a lot heavier than it seems. Just think of the monotony of every day to realize that it is not an easy job.

In fact,  it is not a competition to see who has the most sleep, the most dark circles or who sacrifices the most. In fact, there are women who work twice as much: inside and outside the home. So  why not think that all of them, in their own way, are working women? 

However, there is another sad reality behind it: when you have children it is difficult to find work. People judge without knowing. It is enough just to hear the testimonies of women who have dedicated their time to their children and who are now struggling to re-enter the job market.

To the frustration of not being able to find the job that is so badly needed, there is also the condemnation from society.  So in addition to the insult, for the simple fact of being mothers. For the simple fact of having decided to give a different priority to other women.

We are all working women

The fatigue of all mothers

Mothers who take care of their children must also be considered working women, this is little but sure. Whether or not they receive a salary, it doesn’t matter. It is not a relevant aspect.

Both of them deserve to receive the greatest respect. Work, whatever it is, ennobles. The work of each and every one of them must be valued. Taking care of others has never been a less important job, much less nowadays.  Raising a child is a great responsibility and not everyone is capable of it. We need to be guided more by patience and heart.

Taking care of others is more than just a verb. We ignore that there are very few who really want to do it. This decision, which in the eyes of many may seem less important, involves a dose of love that hardly anyone gets to feel.

Affection, self-denial, dedication and effort in high doses. Sleep and exhaustion beyond measure. Above all, a total devotion to one’s child. These things, which people do not consider, have great emotional value, for the baby and for the mother. A child who is followed during the growth phase will never suffer from any emotional deficiency, and the world will be grateful to him.

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