Names For Boys And Girls Inspired By Astronomy

In this article, we will introduce you to astronomy-inspired baby names. We are sure they will help you in your choice.
Names for boys and girls inspired by astronomy

When you discover that you are pregnant, one of the first things you will think is whether the future baby will be a boy or a girl. One also begins to think about the name of the boy or girl. In this article we will introduce you to names for boys and girls inspired by astronomy.

Some mothers already have in mind the name they will give to their baby boy or girl. But there are many others who have not yet decided. The names are many and with different meanings depending on the culture to which they belong. Today it is no longer so rare that we use names that belong to cultures other than ours.

In this article, we will introduce you to names for boys and girls inspired by astronomy. You will discover names that you surely did not know and that you may like so much that you can use them for your little boy or girl. Don’t be surprised if they seem “strange” to you, as we said, they belong to different cultures, but nobody forbids us to use them as names for our boy or girl.

Names for boys and girls inspired by astronomy

Newborn baby holding mother's finger.

Baby names

  • Arturo. Today Arturo is a widely used name. You must know that it is the third brightest star in the sky. This name derives from the ancient Greek and its meaning is very particular. It means the “bear guardian”, this is due to the proximity of this star with the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
  • Izar. It’s another one of the astronomy-inspired baby names linked to a star. Izar is the name of a double star that belongs to the constellation of Boote. The name is of Arabic origin and means “veil”.
  • Perseus. Perseus is a very well known name in Greek mythology because he was the hero who killed the monster Medusa. In our case, it is also the name of a constellation.
  • Oberon. Astronomy is not only about the stars, but also the planets. Oberon is in fact the name of a satellite of the planet Uranus. This satellite owes its name to a character from one of the most famous works of literature written by one of the best known playwrights in the world, William Shakespeare. The work we are referring to is A Midsummer Night’s Dream .
  • Suhail. It is the third brightest star in the constellation of Sails. Its Arabic meaning is “noble”.
  • Leo / Leone. While it may not seem like it, it’s one of the astronomy-inspired baby names. The constellation of Leo (or Leo in Latin) is located between that of Cancer and Virgo. The meaning of the name is linked to the figure of the lion and its strength.
  • Donated. The Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati was the first to photograph a comet. For this reason, the first comet photographed bears his name, or rather, his surname.

    Names for girls

    • Atria. Atria is the brightest star in the Southern Triangle constellation.
    • Cordelia. It is a satellite of the planet Uranus. As in the case of Oberon, the name Cordelia is a tribute to another work by William Shakespeare: King Lear .

    Smiling mother holding her baby in her arms.

    • Eris. In Greek mythology she is the goddess of discord. It is the second in diameter of the dwarf planets of the solar system known so far.
    • Moon. This name is certainly better known than the previous ones. Obviously, the name Luna is part of the world of astronomy and therefore we wanted to include it among the names for children inspired by astronomy.
    • Nereid. Within the constellation of Capricorn, Nereid is the fourth brightest star. This name in Arabic and means “bearer of good news”.
    • Miranda. The planet Uranus has five satellites, Miranda being the smallest. Again, we owe this name to William Shakespeare. Miranda is in fact the name of the daughter of one of the protagonists of the comedy The Tempest .
    • Alhena. It is the third brightest star in the Gemini constellation. The name has Arabic origins.
    • Talitha. It is a quadruple star located in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is the ninth brightest star. The name means “third”.

    We hope these astronomy-inspired baby boy and girl names will help you in choosing an original and unique name for your future baby boy.

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