Preventing Hair Loss During Breastfeeding

Hair loss is a common effect of hormonal changes during breastfeeding. Find out how to prevent and counter it.
Preventing hair loss while breastfeeding

Motherhood goes through various stages, all different from each other. Breastfeeding is one of them, during which many hormonal changes take place. One of the consequences of these changes is hair loss, which can also occur during pregnancy.

Some women notice an improvement in the appearance of their hair during pregnancy, while for others it is the other way around. Likewise, for some, the big changes occur when hormones try to return to normal after giving birth.

The hair loss  is a common effect during lactation, but is preventable. If you are pregnant and worry about hair loss while breastfeeding, read on for today’s article.

5 tips to avoid hair loss

1. Choose the right shampoo to prevent hair loss

Remedies to prevent hair loss

Among the changes that we must include in our habits there is also the choice of shampoo. In this stage it is recommended to use a product that helps to increase the volume of the hair.

There are many products on the market that take care of this aspect. In general, it is better to opt for lighter products, because those that weigh down the hair get the exact opposite effect to what you want.

2. Go to your trusted hairdresser

It’s the perfect time for a change of look. For example, cutting your hair promotes their growth, preventing excessive weight from weakening them. Long hair needs more energy to stay healthy and is also harder to keep in order.

On the contrary, short hair is easy to wash and comb, especially in this phase when you have little time. Also, when you have long hair, the tendency is to wear it tied often, which weakens it.

To improve results and avoid hair loss, we recommend the following:

  • Allow the hair to air dry
  • Avoid prolonged and frequent use of the hair dryer
  • Do not comb them while they are wet
  • Dry your hair gently with a towel, avoiding squeezing or rubbing it roughly.

2. Use conditioner correctly

Not all hair needs conditioner. For example, for fine hair with a tendency to gain weight easily, conditioner is not a suitable product. If you want to promote the volume of the hair, it is best to avoid conditioner.

Likewise, the area of ​​the hair where we use this product can make a difference. Therefore, we advise you to put it only on the tips and never on the scalp. The conditioner, in fact, plugs the pores, preventing the natural respiration of the hair follicle and causing hair loss.

3. Improve your lifestyle

Split ends

Hair loss while breastfeeding can also be avoided by working from the inside. In particular, it is important to change your eating habits, avoid stress and put yourself in the hands of experts.

It is possible that hair loss is associated with a deficiency of some particular vitamin or microelement. Your doctor can recommend a supplement and give you some nutrition advice.

On the other hand, it is known that stress is a common cause of hair loss. In this sense, you will have to try to balance your activities in such a way as to allow yourself pleasant moments. Avoid overloading yourself with worries.

Thankfully, breastfeeding is a stage that doesn’t last forever. Our body will soon return to its natural state as the hormones return to physiological standards. Hair loss can be prevented and corrected, but if you can’t, see your doctor.

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