Relaxation For Children: 5 Simple Exercises

Relaxation for children: 5 simple exercises

Here are 5 simple relaxation exercises for children so that you can teach your child how to rest properly and recharge their batteries.

Although childhood is a stage in which children are full of energy, it is still necessary to help them keep active so that they do not suffer sudden collapses.

During learning, of any kind, it is very useful to learn this technique because through it children learn to switch off and relax so that they can get back into action with greater energy, enthusiasm and interest.

Although it seems that children’s lives are all about fun, you have to keep in mind that being constantly learning can be tiring mentally as well as physically.

The relaxation exercises for children that we propose work for children of different ages. It doesn’t require some kind of methodology, but a lot of empathy, patience and perseverance.

5 Simple relaxation exercises for children

1. Breathing exercises

This exercise is one of the most effective relaxation techniques for both children and adults. Make the baby lie down comfortably, make him close his eyes and place one hand on his chest and one on his stomach.

Then ask him to imagine by way of play that he is an accordion and therefore having to breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils and always exhale very slowly through the mouth.

Ask him to take at least 5 breaths, then rest and start again. Accompany him during the exercises so that he feels comforted by your presence.

Last recommendation, apply this technique before going to sleep after a hot bath. The little one is sure to sleep soundly throughout the night.

relaxation for children

2. The hug of the plush

This exercise is suitable for relaxing the muscles of the little ones. The activity consists in asking the child, who is already in the bed or cradle, to inhale deeply and to hug a soft toy (or a small pillow) very strongly.

Then, little by little, guide him to ease the tension in his arms as he slowly exhales from his mouth. The result of this technique translates into physical and mental relaxation.

3. The game of the down jacket or the ball

This relaxation exercise for children can also act as a game. In this way the child can also practice it with friends or siblings.

It consists in making your partner lie down, make him close his eyes, and massage along his extremities as if the child had a duvet in his hand.

The exercise is equally effective when done with a small ball. After 3 or 5 minutes you change your shift and start again. Guide the little one to make sure the exercise is done correctly.

4. Superficial massages

This technique simply consists of massaging your child. You don’t need to be an expert. Just take time to help your little one relax.

A massage can be translated as gentle caresses on the baby’s back with a drop of essential oil. The slower the action, the more relaxing it will be.

The back massage is only an alternative, you can also try massaging your palms or soles.

relaxation for children

5. Visualization exercises

Visualization exercises are especially useful at bedtime in case the child is afraid or has just woken up from a bad dream.

You will have to be the one to guide the activity by asking the baby to close his eyes while gently stroking his forehead. Then you will have to describe pleasant places, situations or objects, all while the little one tries to imagine them in his mind. In this way you will focus his attention on positive concepts and he will gradually forget the nightmare.

In general, the simplest solution is to read or tell some story, in an interpretative way, so as to distract them. However, other parents opt to hold and cradle the little one in their arms while they sing him a lullaby.

We hope these simple relaxation exercises for children will be useful to you so that you can apply them whenever there is a need.

However, bear in mind that if your child is stressed a lot in his daily life and exhibits abnormal stiffness in his muscles, you should not hesitate to consult a specialist right away.

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