Righteousness: Teach Your Children With A Story

Righteousness is one of the first human values ​​you must teach your child.
Righteousness: Teach your children with a story

Righteousness is one of the first human values ​​you must teach your child. When one has been righteous from childhood, one also learns to be honest, upright, and fair,  and it doesn’t take much more to be a person worthy of love and admiration.

Parents, even if righteousness is a noble behavior, there are very few who really can consider themselves as such. Educate your child to live righteousness and be one of these privileged.

How to teach the child to be righteous?

The first thing to do is to show your little one the value of work, study, effort, earning everything on your own, using only your physical and mental faculties.

That you learn to be opposed to cheating in the school, as well as to corruption, theft, the embezzlement of other people’s assets  or what has been destined for the good of society.

If you teach him to respect his own word, you are helping him to be righteous.

It is important to teach our children to be righteous for themselves

Righteousness can be deceptive

It should be known that people who pride themselves on their righteousness are not always, in fact, as upright as they say they are.

For this reason, from a very young age,  you must teach your child to be righteous for himself. To be righteous because he feels that this is his nature.

There is no use pretending to be one in the eyes of others, when, on the other hand, deep down, he is a calculating and opportunistic boy.

Retta is a just and healthy person, one who has no need to make his virtue public or to hide his poverty of soul behind a mask.

Teach your little one to be righteous and never resort to lies. To be selfless and also to think about the common good.

A Chinese tale about the most righteous man in the world

Moms, remember that the best way children learn is through children’s games, stories or songs.

For this reason, we at  Siamo Mamme have decided to tell you a beautiful story from China, to share with your child.

This account is about righteousness and presents an interesting morality.

The most righteous man in the world

“A great Chinese emperor wished to find a successor who was worthy of his daughter and his people. The only necessary condition was that he be the most righteous man in the world.

Faced with the proclamation, many postulants went to the palace: warriors, heroes, princes… When the emperor examined them, however, seeing their false modesty, their pride, arrogance and ambition, he instantly refused them.

Teaching righteousness to one's children means making them understand the value of the word they have given

A humble potter, who had always been in love with the princess, was afraid that, sooner or later, a suitor worthy of his beloved would arrive at the palace.

Motivated also by the fear that the king would reject him, once he had known of his poverty, and therefore granted another man the hand of the princess, he thought of designing a mask that would represent the face of the most upright man in the world. So, he prepared the disguise and presented himself as a candidate.

After careful examination, the Chinese emperor declared that what he had in front of him was the most righteous man in the world: he should marry his daughter and inherit her kingdom.

Eventually, the potter’s dream came true and, among so many suitors, advisers and vassals, it was he who married the princess.

Time passed. One day the emperor died and the potter in the mask of a righteous man finally took his place.

Legend has it that the kingdom had never known such a noble, upright, good and benevolent ruler. It is said that, of all, he was the king most loved by his people.

Over the years, however, the potter with the mask also died. On the day of his burial, one of the subjects said that his king, so loved and admired, was wearing a mask, and that no one knew his true face.

With curiosity but very slowly, in order not to do any harm to those who, in life, had been a peaceful and unselfish man, he removed the accessory and, seeing his real face, he was perplexed.

That face that had lived under a mask represented, in reality, the face of the most upright man in the world ”.

The story we have just offered you leaves us a beautiful lesson, which, in our opinion, you should share with your child:

It is possible that you are a righteous person and that you do not realize who you are.

For this reason, the most important thing is to feel it and really be it, so that others can realize it.

You don’t need to pretend to be someone else when you yourself are worth more than the mask you want to wear.

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