The 5 Exclusive Privileges Of Being A Mother

There are some unique privileges of being a mother. We found 5, would you like to add more?
The 5 exclusive privileges of being a mother

Motherhood offers many emotions but there are some exclusive privileges of being a mother that cannot be explained, only those who have lived them can understand. The woman is the only one who possesses all the characteristics to complete the honorable mission of giving life. Being a mother is a mission for life.

Pregnancy, if lived with conscience, is a wonderful process in every sense. How to define the sensations you feel? They are unique moments, difficult to explain in words. Women, as such, are privileged beings who have the opportunity to raise another human being and to experience one of the deepest connections ever with their baby.

Furthermore, the depth of the feelings, of the emotions experienced are incomparable. Anyone who has never felt a life grow within themselves cannot understand. Often they are emotions that it is hard to believe if they have never been experienced in the first person. Below, the 5 exclusive privileges of being a mother .

5 exclusive privileges of being a mother

Listen to the beating of a heart within you

The exclusive privileges of motherhood

One of the first contacts any mother has with her baby during pregnancy is to listen to his heartbeat. The first ultrasound is the one that confirms life. Precisely on this occasion the future mother is accompanied by the feeling of never being alone again. You will not be able to see the little one but you will hear his heart strong and clear. Even if during the event you will not be alone, only you will be able to perceive the intensity of the emotions.

Feel his movements and his football

At any other time in life it would be scary to feel anything other than gas moving within you. But when you are pregnant it becomes the best feeling in the world, no matter when and where.

Feeling the first kick, getting used to the sensation of the baby’s movements is one of the many exclusive privileges of being a mother. Although some movements can annoy or irritate the mother, they remain unique and exciting moments. Feeling the baby respond to external stimuli through body movements is a way of communicating without using the voice.

The first time you see each other

During pregnancy, you will be able to get to know and become familiar with your child. However, the moment you finally see each other is one of the most magical in any woman’s life. The sensation of touching him and feeling his skin against yours is an incomparable emotion. The exclusivity of this moment lies in its unrepeatability. Soon all the characteristics of the newborn such as the color of the skin, the temperature, the various swellings vanish to give way to this magical moment.

Enjoy the moment when you can finally touch yourself. Make sure you are alone, support your child without outside help. In addition to being an exciting moment, you will support your child who will feel an indissoluble bond towards you.

When the little one will look for you relentlessly

This is an act that all babies instinctively do. Only mothers can understand that look so eager to grasp the breasts that babies have.

It is a moment that leaves you astonished, speechless by admiration because the baby will look for you according to the bond you have established. Even if the little one still has his eyes closed, is crying or confused, he will always feel your closeness.

Feel his gaze on you


The privileges of being a mother

What about your baby without you? He knows, he knows that you are the most important person in his life. From this moment your bond becomes indestructible. It’s not just a feeling, your baby looks at you with love. He admires you, you are his world and not just a source of nourishment.

It is not so strange to hear of babies crying in despair but magically stop as soon as they smell their mother. Even in this case, however, it is a feeling that can only be experienced and cannot be explained. They are unique and unrepeatable moments, exclusive privileges of mothers who can not help but be eternally grateful.

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