The Mother Who Wants To Vaccinate Her Children Against Low Self-esteem

One of the concerns that mothers may have is that their children suffer from low self-esteem. Here’s how a mother can manage to avoid it.
The mother who wants to vaccinate her children against low self-esteem

A mother who loves herself and has become a complete woman wants to vaccinate her children against low self-esteem. There are few things as important as filling the souls of these young creatures with the best ingredients that will allow them to deal with any problem in life. That strength, that solidity, typical of impregnable fortresses that withstand the elements over the centuries.

For years, science has already shown that the psychological health of parents is essential to ensure the good emotional development of children. Even more, this has value in the ability to convey security, independence and happiness. The “substances” at the base of the vaccine against  low self-esteem that every mother carefully prepares.

In this article we will explain how to take care of your children’s psychological health. How, through unconditional love, trust and example, the transmission of values ​​will ensure that you can raise healthy and happy children. But, above all, young adults with their feet firmly on the ground.

Leave the past behind, hold the present in your arms

Mom sleeps with son

Self-esteem plays a fundamental role in everyday life, in the present. And its purpose is fundamental: to prove that your children deserve everything they have. But, in particular, they are prepared to the point of being able to accept any challenge, because they are strong in that unique ability that makes them owners and masters of their own destiny.

As mothers, you must always keep these three concepts in mind if you want to “vaccinate” your children against low self-esteem:

  • Everything you have experienced in the past is part of you, but it does not define you.
  • Mistakes, possible disappointments or failures are for learning but you should never be a prisoner.
  • Your prize is in your arms, this new present marked by the laughter and tears of a new creature for which you will be artisans of life.

A solid heart and a brave mind against low self-esteem

Mom with armor against low self-esteem

High self-esteem is the result of an intimate process of survival, of learning, developed after having overcome a thousand dangers and many battles. Win with that wisdom that is acquired through self-care, intuition and personal dignity.

  • Only you know your past, how you have overcome your fears in order to fully enjoy today’s happiness.
  • Your identity is linked to self-esteem and the concept you have of yourself, built every day along the path of life.
  • You know what you want and how to go about getting it.
  • Having good self-esteem has nothing to do with selfishness, the mistake of putting your own needs before those of others. On the contrary, it has to do with respect for others and their limitations, knowing how to listen and recognize when one is wrong.

Passing on all these values ​​is the only and best low self-esteem vaccine for your children. You don’t need heroes, you don’t need legends: the example you will show them even in small things is enough.

A happy mother gives the best to her children

Mom and son among the planets

Solving and overcoming women’s conflicts means being able to build and strengthen one’s self-esteem. A fundamental element to make the child happy and self-confident. But not in a selfish way, we repeat, simply with the awareness of what it is and what it can become.

Here’s how to heal your wounds:

  1. Find the wound, a legacy of your family or some past relationship, a failure or a loss.
  2. Be aware of how much it hurts you  and how it affects your life.
  3. Handle the pain, accept it, forgive and progress. Only in this way will you be able to untie the sad knots of the past, with dignity, to evolve as women and individuals. Leverage on courage, on never giving up, on self-love …
  4. Foster personal freedom. Once you have healed the wound, you will feel free to dedicate all your love to the people who love you. They represent everything that really matters.

Teach your children to be strong, to overcome low self-esteem

Fear and insecurity are the result of those with low self-esteem. No child deserves this nor should he grow up in an environment where either parent is unable to take care of himself as an individual. Keep these two additional tips in mind:

  • Having good self-esteem means knowing how to create healthy and respectful relationships between husband and wife. This will allow children to grow and educate strong, free, happy and confident.
  • Remind your child what it’s worth, every day. What he deserves and how important it is that he always has confidence in his own means.

Mother caresses baby head

Teach your children to be humble, respectful, to cultivate emotions without any “I don’t deserve it” or “I can’t”. Remind them that if they want, they can do anything, especially with you by your side. Convince them that the most important thing in this life is not to be the smartest, the most beautiful or the richest, but to be happy.

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