The TPACK Model For Teachers: Definition And Use

The TPACK model refers to distinct knowledge that teachers must master and jointly use in order to integrate technology into teaching. We invite you to find out more about the features of this model in the next lines. 
The TPACK model for teachers: definition and use

The TPACK model ( T echnology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge), namely technology, pedagogy and content in Italian, was formulated by Mishra and Koehler (2006).

This model was developed on the basis of the studies of Lee Shulman (1986), philosopher and psychologist dedicated to the educational context and the training of the faculty.

Characteristics of the TPACK model

The TPACK model was designed so that teachers can integrate ICT (information and communication technologies) effectively in their educational environment. It involves three main knowledge:

  • Knowledge relating to the contents of the subject or discipline (to be taught).
  • The pedagogical aspect (how to teach).
  • The technological component (tools, resources and technological applications).

This model therefore indicates that knowledge on the subject (CK, Content Knowledge), pedagogical knowledge (PK, Pegagogy Knowledge) and technological knowledge (TK, Technology Knowledge) must not be treated in isolation, but jointly to generate new acquaintances.

The following graph is a Venn diagram that serves to show how four other types of knowledge arise from the interaction of the three main knowledge. And, thus, we can recognize the seven categories that make up the TPACK model.

TPACK model

Pedagogical knowledge of the content (PCK)

It is knowledge of how a specific subject is taught based on its specific content. In other words, it is the knowledge of the didactics of the content, which allows the teacher to transform the subject in order to be able to teach it.

To do this, he must interpret it and find the way, the resources and the methodology to work with his pupils. In addition to this, this knowledge requires knowing the particularities of each pupil and his previous knowledge.

Technological knowledge of the content (TCK)

It is the knowledge of the specific technologies most suitable for teaching a content. It therefore refers to a knowledge of precise and compliant programs and applications to be able to teach mathematics, biology or social sciences.

Pedagogical Technological Knowledge (TPK)

This knowledge refers to the use of ICT in the classroom. In other words, the conditions necessary to use them correctly and the positive and negative aspects of their use.

Technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK model)

This set indicates the integration of all knowledge, the main tools and the interaction between them. If the teacher masters this knowledge, it means that he knows the disciplinary content of the subject he teaches.

Lecturer in the classroom

He is also aware of the teaching methods most suitable for teaching and which are suitable for the discipline in question. But also the situations and learning needs of his pupils. Finally, he knows how to integrate technology effectively to better teach content.

The TPACK model for meaningful learning

Nowadays the presence of technology in all areas of our life is undeniable. Within the educational context and as regards the training of the teaching staff, the TPACK model represents a good theoretical-practical framework on the knowledge and skills that teachers must know how to master.

Together with the awareness of the needs of each pupil, the TPACK model highlights the need to integrate the notions possessed by educators. In other words, subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge must merge with each other in order to obtain effective teaching and meaningful learning.

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