Which Senses Are Activated The Most During Pregnancy?

Which senses are activated the most during pregnancy? To find out, read on!
Which senses are activated the most during pregnancy?

Four of your 5 senses are activated the most during pregnancy, and many of these ensure that the baby grows up surrounded by what gives him well-being. It’s wonderful how a woman’s body changes when she’s pregnant.

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is nausea. Often it is caused more than by the sense of taste than that of smell, which becomes so sensitive that some smells will seem disgusting, so much so that you will vomit.

It is curious that the smells that are terrible to most pregnant women are those related to food, coffee, perfumes and tobacco.

Specialists from UmeĆ„ University, located in Sweden, explain that these adverse reactions to certain odors have to do with a mother’s self-protection system, which is activated to defend her baby against toxic substances that affect its development.

Another reason why the sense of smell becomes so sensitive during pregnancy has to do with the level of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen in the body,  and this hormonal charge not only affects the sense of smell, but also the taste. Let’s find out which senses are activated the most during pregnancy.

pregnant woman with apple and chocolate

The sense of taste and the cravings

Another unmistakable symptom of a pregnancy are the famous cravings, which derive in large part from the emotion that affects your senses while pregnant. There are women who have very rare cravings that lead them to eat foods that were previously inedible to them. To a greater or lesser extent, the sense of taste changes during the gestation stage.

The scientific explanations are surprising because they show how nature works. On the other hand,  traditional Chinese medicine ensures that this appetite has to do with the needs or deficiencies that your organism presents. For example, if you feel like you want to eat apples, do so, because your body is telling you that it needs the vitamins that this delicious fruit contains. The same happens with vegetables and with vegetables.

It is undeniable that the influence of hormones plays a role in sensitizing or changing the foods that cause you appetite and not,  since the increase in hormone levels causes the chemical composition of the blood to also vary.

And what does this have to do with the sense of taste? Saliva reflects this hormonal change in the blood, which is why foods taste different during pregnancy.

Don’t worry if a food is intolerable to you, as the effect pregnancy has on your senses will disappear as your baby grows.

pregnant woman sitting on pillow

Hormones affect your senses

You can blame the hormones for everything that happens to your body during pregnancy, even the hypersensitivity you feel in your breasts.  You may feel discomfort if touched, and this is also due to the action of estrogen and progesterone, however this sensation will disappear after the third month.

It is also normal for you to feel itchy, warmer, and sweat more during pregnancy.

This feeling that makes you feel everything more intensely is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is more blood on the surface of the skin. To alleviate these perceptions it is best to drink plenty of water and use soft, breathable clothing made with cotton.

One of the most curious changes concerns sight. Some women find it difficult to focus on images, and those with myopia may experience temporary deterioration of the eyes. 

These transformations are the result of the action of progesterone and relaxin, which cause a marked retention of liquids that affect the cornea and the lens. This slight variation will resolve only shortly after delivery.

The only sense that remains unchanged during pregnancy is hearing. Despite this, loud noises increase heart rate and energy consumption. This situation can make you more fatigued, can cause you discomfort and make you restless. For this you need to stay away from loud sounds for a few months.

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