Why Shouldn’t We Force Children To Eat?

Why shouldn't we force children to eat?

Parents have always forced their children to eat all the food  that is served on their plate. But is it right to demand it?

We should not force children to eat, provided they themselves know when to eat and when not.

Experts agree that kids shouldn’t be forced to eat. As with all human beings, they   too realize when eating is a necessity and when they are full.  Of course, if we constantly pressure them to clean the plate, they will not pay attention to the needs of their body but only to what we are imposing on them.

Julio Basulto, dietician, nutritionist and writer of several books, expresses himself on the matter: “ We must not insist that our children eat something they don’t like, more food than they want or as fast as they can ”. Our insistence only leads to negative results.

On the one hand, however, it is good to remember that children are always children: they are younger than us and for this reason their diet will be different from ours, based on age. In infancy the size of the stomach is smaller than ours, so we cannot expect the portions to be equal in quantity.

child eating bread

The consequences of forcing children to eat

We believe we are doing the right thing when we insist that our child eat something he does not like or finish his meal, but that is not the case.

Our insistence can cause  rejection of a certain food  that we want to make him eat by force.

On the other hand, if the baby continues to eat even when he feels full, he ingests more food than he needs and, in the long run, overweight problems can also arise.

What are the attitudes to avoid?

  • Threatening the child to deprive him of doing an activity he likes
  • Make him feel bad
  • Tell him lies
  • Put pressure on him
  • To intimidate him
  • Abuse him from a psychological point of view

And what can we do to get them to eat?

  1. Give them time : everyone eats in their own way and at their own pace. Parents probably eat at different rates too. It is important to understand this point and not put pressure on the child: respecting his times at each meal will make him feel more calm and comfortable at the table.
  2. Offer him new foods a little at a time : children have to get used to each new food. If we offer them new ingredients in the same meal, it will be more difficult for them to assimilate them. Things will get better, however, by offering them a few new foods per meal, without forcing them to eat if they refuse them at first.
  3. Avoid distractions : when you eat, you don’t have to do anything else. It is preferable to avoid television and any kind of games. This way children focus only on the food in front of them.
  4. Eating with the family : it is important to acquire the habit of eating when others do too. Children must be at the table at the usual meal times, to improve the relationship with those around them and with food. Remember that the older they grow, the more they want to feel involved and be a part of everything you do.
  5. Lead by example : If you want your child to eat something, you will have to eat it too. If you try to give him something that you are not willing to eat, it will be difficult to succeed! You have to show the child that what you want him to eat is delicious and you like it.
    mamma che mangia e bambina
  6. Avoid making expressions of intrigue or concern when you give him a new food: it  must be a natural gesture. If the child senses that something is wrong, he will become suspicious and the chances of this waste will increase.
  7. Avoid sweets and other types of foods before meal times:  if we allow them to nibble before lunch or dinner, they will be less willing to eat once at the table. If you offer him something he doesn’t like that much, it will be easier to turn him down, as he has already eaten before. Remember that everyone has their own times and  respecting those of your child will help you build a better relationship with them and give you the tools to offer them a healthier diet.

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